


Start Ups

Even in these difficult times, more and more people are starting their own businesses. It’s a trend that seems likely to continue, and as the economy picks up, they will be well placed to capitalise. There is obviously a need to be honest with some people as there are some sectors where it is hard to make it.

Sole Traders

We work with a lot of sole traders, from tradespeople to business professionals. We help file their tax returns and offer advice on how best to structure their business interests. With over 30 years’ experience, we understand the environment in which they work and the challenges they face.

Small Companies

The SME (small and medium enterprise) sector is of critical importance to the Irish economy and represents the majority of our client base. Generally speaking, they are companies with 5 – 50 employees and operate across a broad range of economic sectors in both manufacturing and services. We assist them in everything from audit and taxation to advisory and accounting. We are essentially a one-stop shop for all their financial needs.


Farming is going through a difficult period as world food prices fall and the end of quotas is creating a temporary glut. They have had many difficult years so it is heartening to see young people returning to this way of life. The farming community is an important sector for us and one with significant growth prospects.

Foreign Nationals

As some of our staff are Polish, we can offer a full accounting service through the Polish language. In fact, we have a growing number of sole traders and small companies from Poland and other countries among our clients, and are happy to help them in their business ventures.